Meet this pet

Poppy (little runt)

A Little About Me

Poppy is a ball of energy but also gives kisses! She is black with a little white under her chin. She is eating dry food (kitten Chow) and is litter box trained. Poppy and her siblings were born on Mother's Day, May 8, 2022 and have lived in my guest bathroom their entire lives to keep them safe from my kitties that are not liking the intrusion. Will you give Poppy her forever home? Small rehoming fee and vet reference required.

I am

I live in

Birmingham, AL

My birthday

May 8, 2022

Some important Things About Me

home without children under 5, housetrained

My Owner Says I am

Owner Email

Owner Phone Number


My owner took this picture too!

Other information about this pet...

home without children under 5, housetrained